Jain Academy Educational Research Centre Promotion Trust

Jain Philosophy Courses


University Of Mumbai


About Us

Initiated by Jain Academy (UK), JAERC-PT has established a permanent chair in the University of Mumbai in 2000. Shri Ramniklal Nanchand Doshi & Dr. Natubhai Shah have given substantial contribution for naming of the centre and chair. Shri Navinchandra D. Mehta & Mr. Prasanbhai Tolia have donated substantial amount for trophy and prizes for the meritorious students of Certificate & Diploma Courses.


Jain Academy Educational Research Centre Promotion Trust (JAERC-PT) is registered trust mainly for promotion of Jain Education & Research activities at University of Mumbai.


Importance Of Studying Jainism at the Academic Level at the University Of Mumbai

The dissemination of Jain values is a worthy ideal, at the heart of all Jains. In India, since the days of Tirthankar Mahaveer, Jain ascetics have done this by personal contacts and by their sermons to the masses. But now with changing life styles, modern education, instant communication and the internationalisation of the Jain community, the dissemination requires the study of Jainism at the academic level both for its traditional and contemporary aspects. The governments, media and the institutions of influence take notice of the study, research and publications carried out by the recognized academic bodies.


The modern era requires the teaching of Jain philosophy and the Jain way of life in systematic, logical, and analytical way in the schools, colleges and universities. It also needs the teachers, who can present the treasures of Jain Scriptures in modern language, the language of young generation for easier understanding and for putting the Jain values in practice after being convinced about the truth and the benefit of them in their daily life. Keeping above facts in mind, the well recognized, University of Mumbai started the courses of Jainism in 1996, a certificate course for the foundation in Jainism , a diploma course and post graduate courses in the department of philosophy.


The university has interdisciplinary approach and facilities to teach Jainism from all angles, such as the history, philosophy, literature, society, art, architecture and comparative aspects with the relevance to the present era in context of other religions. It also has facilities for research, beneficial to the public at large about teachings of Tirthankar Mahaveer. The non-violence and reverence for life, non attachments and respect for others views are the necessity for peaceful living and co-existence of all livings.



Contact Us

Jain Academy Educational Research Centre Promotion Trust


101, “Abhilasha” Bldg.No.1,

Punjabi Lane,

Borivali (West), Mumbai 400092

About Us

Jain Academy Educational Research Centre Promotion Trust (JAERC-PT) is registered trust mainly for promotion of Jain Education & Research activities at University of Mumbai.


Initiated by Jain Academy (UK), JAERC-PT has established a permanent chair in the University of Mumbai in 2000. Shri Ramniklal


" Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all. "
Emily Dickinson


" Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine. "
Siddhārtha Gautama

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